The Paris Review tweeted about Minetta Brook, the subterranean stream that flows beneath Greenwich Village. It used to flow freely across the landscape, and was commonly used as a fishing stream by locals. Now it is viewable only through hidden grates in basements and sub-basements. Most people are not aware of its existence.
I am thinking that every vital literary neighborhood has its own subterranean Minetta Brook which percolates up and periodically infuses the landscape ... Likewise every literary work of strength, depth, and originality has its own Minetta.
One analyzes a literary work, seeking to plumb the subterranean stream of its creative genius - its minetta.
Professor Booknoodle © is an autodidactic used and rare book dealer from the Edwardian Era of the early 20th century who has found that he has been inexplicably transplanted to the 21st century. The Professor has adjusted nicely. He still pursues bookselling as an avocation, and sells the occasional book. The Professor has noticed a change in the complexity of shipping. But his biggest perplexity is, in his own words, "How the deuce did I get shipped to the future?"
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